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Stories & Updates

It’s not about us
Mission Society workers form partnerships to advance the work of the kingdom
“Partnership” is more than just a byword for personnel with The Mission Society. It is one of our...
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The Mission Society opens a hospitality house in Wilmore, Kentucky
The Mission Society is excited to announce our hospitality house in Wilmore, Kentucky. Located near Asbury University...
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Clean water impacts lives
A borehole helps assure a future for Helen
Mary Kay Jackson could talk about bore holes all day. Serving in partnership with the Methodist...
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Mission Society missionaries and Indian Christians join together to train for cross-cultural service
The Mission Society held its annual H.T. and Alice Maclin Mission Training Institute on July 9-21, 2015 in India...
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5 Reasons We Send Youth on Mission Trips
Allow me to begin by addressing the proverbial elephant in the room. To put it bluntly, some people hate short-term missions. They view such trips...
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Mission Society missionary connects with least-reached community
"I never thought in our life as missionaries that God would take us to such a remote place.”...
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Communicating Christ among Thai youth
It takes time to build trust and to cultivate relationships that open doors for the gospel. Chris and Dora Barbee can attest to that, having spent...
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5 Keys to Ministering in a Post-Christian Context
The times are changing. Like it or not, secularism is on the rise in North America. This does not mean that Christianity is waning worldwide, but the situation...
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5 Ways to Prepare for a Short-Term Mission Trip
As many trip leaders will tell you, it’s all too easy to get tangled up in the logistics of planning a short-term trip. The team must be selected and funds raised...
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Making disciple-makers
“Just as the torrential downpours of the rainy season have been soaking the parched coastal region of Ecuador, God’s blessings are being showered on the...
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