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On mission with Jesus

Making disciples who make disciples

Making disciple-makers is the heart of Denny and Cindy Heiberg’s ministry. It’s what led them to transition from 22 years in the pastorate to partner with The Mission Society as discipleship consultants.

“After 15 years of being a pastor, I realized I had gradually drifted off course from my primary responsibility of developing and equipping people to become disciple-makers. Unfortunately, I had become a CEO who was rewarded according to the church’s attendance, buildings, and cash flow. However, during the last seven years I have focused my energies upon awakening the church to return to its primary task of making disciples who make disciples. In our role with The Mission Society, Cindy and I have the privilege of sharing with churches and missional leaders around the world that intentional discipleship is the church’s number one responsibility,” said Denny.

In 2014, Denny helped lead an International Mission Mobilization and Discipleship Consultation in La Paz, Bolivia with The Mission Society. A pastor attending the event invited Denny to preach in his church’s morning services on the topic of God’s mandate of making disciples. Little did Denny know how God had been preparing this church and its leaders for just this moment.

Pastors and key leaders at the Kairos Church had been praying for weeks that God would reveal to them a new sense of vision and mission. As Denny preached, they heard anew the clarity of Jesus’ command to make disciples and realized this was God’s Word for them. Rather than focusing on the Sunday worship event to attract people to their church, they decided to focus on preparing their people to be disciples who would make disciples of Jesus. Kairos Church invited Denny to return in May 2015 in order to engage their staff and key leaders in the essentials of discipleship.

During those two weeks in May, Denny was able to provide training for 15-21 people at each of the Kairos Church locations in La Paz and Santa Cruz. Together they addressed questions such as; Where have you seen God at work the most within your church and community? Where have you seen Satan most at work among your people and community? What is your identity and God-given purpose as a church? Who is called to be a disciple?

They also covered topics such as God’s Goal for all Disciples: Christlikeness, Distorted Views of Discipleship, Definitions of Discipleship, and Essential Elements for Developing a Discipleship Culture. Before the training was even over, small groups in the church were already engaging in the process of disciple-making.

At the conclusion of the training, each participant was given a blank sheet of paper and asked to complete this sentence: “As a result of all that I have experienced this week, I will…”

Chris wrote, “I will study the Word of God more deeply with the goal of making disciples for Jesus and I will live a life like Jesus, understanding that salvation is a process and it takes daily work.” Raquel penned, “I will follow Jesus and His Word in prayer and obedience to His commandments. I will let my heart be molded by the Holy Spirit so I may be changed to the character and image of Jesus Christ. I will help and teach others to be like Christ, as He has shown me.” Josias wrote, “I will disciple others, showing a profound passion, guiding them toward the Word and toward a life of extravagant worship. I will always walk/search in a way that I am confronted with the truth of the Word.”

Currently in the process of restructuring their ministries to put discipleship at the heart of all they seek to accomplish, Kairos Church continues to use the tools and materials Denny and The Mission Society provided. Their new purpose and mission is echoed in the words written by Gabriela, “I will make discipleship a priority; not just an activity in my schedule.”