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Forgiveness leads to physical healing


“We are witnessing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit! People are being healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually,” said Martin.

For the past 11 years, Martin, his wife, Tracy, and their seven children have lived and served in Trujillo, Peru. When they first arrived, Martin had been appointed to train Methodist lay pastors and church leaders. From there he pastored a Peruvian church before planting four more. His days are now filled with all of the duties pastoring four churches involves, plus founding a Christian family development center in the poorest area of the city.

“We recently started a prayer counseling ministry. As people share their hurts and pains, repent of their sins, and choose to forgive those who have hurt them, God is healing wounded hearts and restoring people into a right relationship with Himself. After hours of prayer and sharing, many people have expressed how close they feel to God and are filled to overflowing with peace or joy.

“Several months ago, a woman in our church was suffering from chest pains and gastritis. As I laid hands on her and prayed for healing, Lida was instantly healed of her chest pains but continued to suffer from gastritis.

“Recently during a time of prayer counseling with her, she asked her heavenly Father why she continues to suffer from gastritis. After a moment of listening prayer, she said it was because she had not forgiven her neighbors for things that had happened to her daughter many years before.

“As she chose to forgive her neighbors, surrendering her hurts and fears to the Lord, God gave her a vision of Jesus under a tree in a beautiful pasture, holding a lamb with a red ribbon around its neck. I asked her who the Lamb represented. She said it was her daughter in the protective arms of her Savior, Jesus Christ. Lida is now completely healed, living a life of forgiveness and set free from her fears.”