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Stories & Updates

Sharing your faith with family
Here, David tells the story of one of their students who shared the gospel with his Buddhist family. Read what happened next...
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Seasons of a Missionary Series (You Won’t Find This on IMDB)
What’s your favorite television show? Is it currently running or do you have to binge watch it on some streaming site? Or did you have go old school and buy the...
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Growing up in an Indian brothel
Trapped, this young girl has little hope for a different life. Read how you can help.
Can you imagine growing up in a brothel your mother managed? For most of us, it’s inconceivable....
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Church Testimony - Global Impact Celebration
Is your church ready to take the next step in its mission ministries? We’ve presented a plan to more than 200 churches that increases...
Former Mission Society president passes away
Julia McLean Williams, former president of The Mission Society, passed from this earth into the presence of Jesus on May 7, 2015...
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Going home again
More than two million children in Kenya have been orphaned due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Many of these children are then...
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Springtime in Paris means new life
Being one of the most visited cities in the world, Paris is renowned for its historical and cultural significance, as well as its unparalleled beauty...
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Forced reconversions in India
A call to prayer
Mission Society missionaries in India report Hindu extremists forcing Christians to reconvert to...
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Rebuilding Nepal
How you can help quake victims today
A natural disaster reduces life to the basics, forcing many to ask, “What do we truly need to...
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Church Ministry Global Impact Celebration
Discover what a Global Impact Celebration is and how it can help transform your church into a group of people who are passionate about missions...