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Communicating Christ among Thai youth


It takes time to build trust and to cultivate relationships that open doors for the gospel. Chris and Dora Barbee can attest to that, having spent the past five years building relationships through teaching English in a northeast province of Thailand.

Coming alongside a team of Thai teachers, the Barbees have seen their English students develop knowledge and build confidence in their language skills. Given the opportunity to live on the campus of a government-sponsored boarding school of primarily Buddhist students, the Barbees are able to spend time with students inside and outside the classroom.

Like many other Thai, a teammate of the Barbees grew up in a Buddhist home where she learned that heaven is a reward to be earned by doing good. Phim* describes her life, “I was trying to do good, but I would insult my parents, and then I had to ‘make merit.’ Now I stepped on a mosquito, so I have to make more merit. Someone in my family dies; I have to make merit. I couldn’t get off the hamster wheel.” But Phim met Jesus and found that the One Who seeks and saves the lost doesn’t ask her to strive ceaselessly to earn His love.

Chris and Dora have spent time learning the scriptures in Thai, sharing them with others, asking questions, and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak into their hearts. Out of this, several students have begun coming to their house on Saturdays. One young lady, Eurn*, though she wouldn’t call herself a Christian, has experienced Jesus answering her prayers.

Deeply moved by His work, she shared with a friend who was struggling with serious family issues. She said, “I know Jesus Who actually answers prayers. Can I pray with you? Then I want to follow up with you a week down the road and see what He did.”

Jesus answers the prayers of Eurn, who continues to invite her friends into community to learn more about Jesus. The Barbees’ fervent hope is that, in time, her own relationship with Jesus would deepen as she comes to know Him as Savior and Lord.

*Pseudonyms used for security purposes.