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It’s not about us

Mission Society workers form partnerships to advance the work of the kingdom

“Partnership” is more than just a byword for personnel with The Mission Society. It is one of our core values. We believe that as the larger body of Christ comes together, the work of the kingdom is both furthered and multiplied.

Kate Hildebrandt’s involvement with Mobilization Ideation is one example of partnership that illustrates the kingdom focus of The Mission Society. Mobilization Ideation is an affinity group track stemming from the Mission Leaders Conference of Missio Nexus. Kate recently served on the planning team for the regional conference of Mobilization Ideation held in Atlanta, which attracted more than 50 mission mobilizers including representatives from TEAM, Encompass World Partners, and Global Frontiers Mission.

Over the course of two days, this diverse group shared together in devotions, brainstormed solutions to common mobilization issues, and held discussion panels on coaching and mobilization strategy. Kate shares, “It’s my favorite conference because it’s so collaborative and interactive. We had a great mix of seasoned mobilizers with lots of wisdom and brand new ones with fresh ideas. Great things happen when mobilizers get together!”

Having worked in mobilization with The Mission Society for the past five years, Kate was able to share insights and resources on coaching that can help other mobilizers lead candidates through the application process to a successful deployment to the mission field. She was also able to gain insights and resources as she facilitated the “Solution Building” session in which discussion centered on relevant issues such as mobilizing millennials, mobilizing ethnic minorities, and connecting with churches.

But that collaboration didn’t end with the close of the conference. Mobilizers continue to encourage one another as they share different perspectives but a common vision through email and social media. That vision, seeking to help individuals discern and pursue their calling to join Jesus in His mission, can be persistently pursued through discouragement and difficulty as kingdom-minded mobilizers partner together. “We’re all in the same boat,” says Kate. “We all struggle with the same obstacles leading people to complete the application process.”

Learning from one another, sharing resources, and helping potential missionaries find the right fit for their gifts and abilities are all benefits arising from partnership in mobilization leading to more workers sent out to disciple the nations.