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Ready or not

Sometimes God pushes you out of your comfort zone

Whether you feel ready or not, God may be preparing a heart to hear his Word through you. Theresa Anderson shares how the Holy Spirit prepared hearts in Peru to trust in Him, even though it meant her being ready to do something uncomfortable.

In May I was asked to participate in a large evangelistic outreach and translate for the members of E3Partners (an agency mobilizing and equipping short-term mission teams to evangelize and establish local churches). When I agreed, it was my understanding that my position would be helping a doctor, a nurse, or perhaps a dentist. If someone had told me that I would be walking the streets of Haunyaspanka, knocking on doors and leading people to Christ, I would have tried to convince them I would be much more helpful working with a dentist. After all, that’s where I felt comfortable.

Over the five days we walked the streets, and only one home closed their door to us. It was amazing to experience how the Holy Spirit had prepared the hearts of the people. We only asked for a few minutes of their time, and some people gave us more than an hour. They listened with their hearts and received with their spirit.

One such young woman we met was Patricia. We knocked on her door but no one answered. So we went to another house, where we met and shared with Esther, who accepted the Lord. As we were leaving Esther’s home, Patricia appeared in the street, looking our way, so we returned to her house.

We explained why we were there and asked her if we could share God’s Word with her. Her heart was ready to hear. It was evident that the Holy Spirit had already been speaking to Patricia. She told me that she no longer wanted to live the life she had been living. With tears in her eyes, she said she wanted a new life; she wanted to give her life to the Lord. With a simple prayer, I led her to accept Christ.

Others in the community also gave their hearts to the Lord that day. At times I do not know how far God may take me out of my comfort zone, but I trust the One Who leads me. It is an honor to walk the path God has chosen for me here in Peru.