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Mission Society Regional Gathering takes place in Albania

Missionaries from Europe, Asia, and Africa gather for a time of formation through worship, community, and study

Albania might seem an unlikely place for The Mission Society, headquartered in Norcross, Georgia, to hold its bi-annual Regional Gathering of workers from Europe, Asia, and Africa. Yet it turned out to be the perfect location to host 78 missionaries and 34 missionary kids, along with several staff and volunteers, for a week in October.

Bringing together personnel from 20 different countries and a variety of ministries, this event focused on the theme of “FORM”—being formed in the image of Christ, and becoming more aware of our role in the formation of others. Whether Mission Society missionaries serve as teachers, counselors, business people, civil engineers, church planters, aid workers, doctors, educators, community developers, or children’s workers, each one is committed to serving and living in ways that reveal Christ in their own lives and in the lives of those around them.

The goals for regional gatherings are multi-faceted. More than merely a retreat, these working events are designed for intentional growth, both professionally and personally. Teaching sessions, focusing on such topics as “Navigating partnerships in mission” and “Discipleship in shame/honor cultures,” reveal the value The Mission Society places on continuing education and professional development. Breakout sessions included teaching on such diverse topics as church leadership, marriage, parenting, Sabbath-keeping, and language learning. Enhanced learning networks were strengthened through making personal connections among affinity groups (groups of individuals who focus on similar ministries or common issues). Such groups can then remain connected through virtual means in the future. This connectivity is vital for Mission Society workers who are scattered across wide geographic areas, not only to help each one stay connected to the organization, but also to help them stay connected to one another as co-laborers in the kingdom.

In addition, there is an element of rest, refreshment, and renewal involved in these gatherings. Missionaries are encouraged to be growing in their personal walk with the Lord and are provided resources and teaching in spiritual formation and Bible study. Unstructured times for rest and fellowship are proactively written in to the week’s schedule. Counselors, coaches, and member care personnel are available for a listening ear or for individual prayer. An excursion to Kruja and Tirana was enjoyed by most of those who attended the Regional Gathering.

One missionary from China affirmed it was just the right mix of teaching and fellowship time, declaring, “Don’t change anything!” Further emphasis on strengthening and supporting missionary families was also seen through the program provided by Mission Society Missionary Kid Coordinators and volunteers. MKs were encouraged to process together their cross-cultural experiences, to connect with others in similar life situations, and to ground their faith and identity firmly in Christ. Several MKs asked if the next gathering could be held before another two years go by!

Participants at the Regional Gathering left united in the vision and encouraged in the mission to see the kingdom of Christ advancing among all peoples. One missionary from Central Asia expressed that this event came at a time when he was really struggling, giving him a renewed sense of purpose, and confirming the certainty of his call to serve.

Jim Ramsay, vice president for mission ministries, said, “I could not have been more pleased with how things went. All the people who had roles at the gathering performed them with excellence. Our Albanian Kosovar hosts provided an incredible example of hospitality. My greatest joy was seeing how all of our missionaries and missionary kids made new connections and deepened existing ones. That is what being formed in community under God is all about. It affirmed my commitment to these kinds of community-building and life-transforming events.”