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Stories & Updates

Overcoming fear
It was during my first few months of serving in Monterrey, Mexico that Edgar walked into my classroom. I was teaching tenth grade...
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Finding Jesus
In a city in the Middle East, Mission Society missionaries Matthew and Debra Smith* minister to people regarding the love and hope found in Christ...
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5 Facts that Can Help Churches Better Relate to Their Supported Missionaries
Often, there seems to be a disconnect between missionaries and the churches which sponsor them. It is difficult for congregations to relate to them...
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“We may not know where we are going, but we know where we are!” said Will. After months of prayer and discernment about where they would serve...
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Trusting God with our children
What is it like to rear children cross-culturally? How do you respond when people, including close family members, question your parenting skills because...
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Mission Society staffer, Richard Coleman, to speak at historic gathering of young evangelists, Wheaton College
Evangelists from around the world will gather Feb. 20-21 in Chicago for the Wheaton Evangelism Conference...
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The giant tarp
Have you ever made a mistake, only to have God use it for His purposes?...
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The Mission Society announces the retirement of Dr. Darrell Whiteman
The Mission Society announces the retirement of Dr. Darrell Whiteman, who has served as vice president for mission mobilization and training...
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This Christmas, you can make a difference in the life of a child
This Christmas, help us care for vulnerable children around the world. When you give to the Children-at-Risk fund, you help children in Costa Rica...
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God hasn’t called us to do what is easy’
Daniel Goshorn is a 20-year-old missionary, serving with his parents in Peru. Here he describes what he experienced as he joined with a medical mission team...
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