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Stories & Updates

Java Power
How a cup of coffee and an hour with a friend can make a difference in the world
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How God answered the prayers of a village congregation
Heidi shares the story of a short-term team that traveled to their village to build a church, and how God blessed their efforts...
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Living life with purpose
While helping missionaries discern God’s guidance, mobilizer Kate Hilderbrandt discovered that “calling” might be only one piece of a larger picture.
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Missionaries tell the importance of others in their spiritual journeys.
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A day in the life of a street boy
Kisumu is the third-largest city in Kenya, boasting a population of approximately 400,000 people. The street child population is estimated to exceed 2,000...
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The Mission Society’s headquarters named The H.T. Maclin Center for World Mission
The Mission Society’s headquarters was officially named The H. T. Maclin Center for World Mission in a ceremony on August 19, 2014...
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Equipping your church for missions
President Wilkins was recently interviewed by Mission Network News (MNN) regarding The Mission Society's Church Ministry programs...
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Saying goodbye
Yesterday was a bittersweet day. It was my last day of teaching in the Burmese primary schools. Although I love all of my students, these children hold a place...
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A day that hope arrived
In one of the more impoverished areas of the country, Elliott and Katherine offer enrichment programs in preschool and primary schools, mentor youth...
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It happened after recess
Carol recounts a moving story about her third grade class and the work of the Holy Spirit...
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