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Stories & Updates

Paige family interviewed by Mission Network News
Donald and Carol Paige have been missionaries in Paraguay since July 2008. Donald has a degree in history and is a journeyman silversmith...
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81 missionaries attend the Maclin Mission Training Institute
“When I came to this training, struggling with my cross-cultural ministry in North India, I was about to quit and go home. I was so discouraged. However...
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From an orphan to a biochemist
Beatrice was born into a loving family in Kisumu, Kenya. She never imagined that she would end up on the streets, an orphan, begging for food...
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How you can help provide medical care for some of Paraguay’s rural poor
Christian shares an exciting development in their ministry as a rural area in Paraguay will gain access to proper medical care...
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Rare healing
Angi shares the story of the miraculous healing of a pastor’s wife with whom they minister...
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Reaching the French for Christ
Andrew and Margaret Howell served in France for a decade before returning to the US. They continue to minister in France through Famille Je t’Aime...
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A glimpse into the kindgom
“Twenty years ago, Mission Society missionaries helped plant a church in Karaganda, Kazakhstan. My family and I moved to the area 18 years ago...
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Saying ‘no’ to death
As our church in Kasalgri was celebrating the risen Savior on Easter, we were able to experience the salvation of Kuufati...
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From the streets to the university
Smith and his three siblings were born into a hard-working family. His father toiled in the fishing industry, while his mother undertook a small business...
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He could not keep silent
Born in a small village outside Kolkata, Alam was raised as a devout Muslim and became a treasurer at his local mosque. A close friend of Alam’s...
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