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Sharing Christ in the jungle


Tim and Jennifer Goshorn and their three children recently moved to Peru to serve as missionaries. Here, Jennifer shares her experience on a medical campaign to the jungles of Peru and how she saw God at work.

Our oldest son, Daniel, and I had the privilege of serving on a medical and dental campaign deep in one of the jungles.

We boarded a bus early one morning and arrived at the hostel after a nine-hour trip. We left the next morning at 4:00 a.m. for a two-hour taxi ride to the boat. After a nine-hour boat ride, the team arrived at the third military check point.

At that point we were told that we could not proceed around the bend to the Ashaninka village. We had all the necessary paperwork, but a lieutenant would not let us into Ashaninka. The team began to pray.

One of the dentists on the team, Dr. Ron, was a Marine and went to talk to the lieutenant. They shared stories, then Dr. Ron told the lieutenant that he was a courageous and honorable man. We were allowed to travel to Ashaninka the next morning.

After reaching Ashaninka, we unloaded the boat and walked to the village. We spent the next few days without electricity, water, showers, toilets, or beds.

We had a wonderful time of ministry and saw 280 patients. We prayed with patients and their families and had devotions together each morning. Thirty-two people made professions of faith that week!

One day, a witch doctor came to the clinic and told the people in the village that there were demons in the river. He said that if they paid him, he would remove the demons. The people were very bothered by this. They talked with a Christian leader in their village, and he told them that there was nothing to worry about. As Christians, they should not be afraid of demons because of the victory they have in the Lord Jesus Christ. The next day, eight people were baptized in the river. 

The soldier who initially said we could not proceed to Ashaninka came to the clinic and gave Dr. Ron a Marine medallion. Evidently, this medallion is given from one Marine to another out of respect. Dr. Ron was very touched by the gesture.

We had a wonderful time of ministry and I look forward to the next opportunity to share Christ in the jungle!