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Saying goodbye


Melissa served as a GreenLight intern in Thailand with a Mission Society team. She helped to start a new English foundation and taught ESL classes to Burmese refugees. Here she reports on her time there, and what God did in her heart.

Yesterday was a bittersweet day. It was my last day of teaching in the Burmese primary schools. Although I love all of my students, these children hold a place in my heart like no other.

Since Burma (Myanmar) lies just on the other side of the waterway, many Burmese families will move here to find jobs and an education. They are considered to be the poorest, yet most hardworking people. There is something different that I’ve seen in these children. They are humble, kind, and eager to help at all times. They are always smiling, and when they are learning, I see an excitement within them that I have not found in the other students.

So, back to yesterday. I dreaded waking up, because I really just didn’t want this time to come. I hate goodbyes, but I’ve never had to say goodbye to little pieces of my heart that I may never get to see again. I didn’t cry. Instead, I took on the day with a joyful heart. I had the opportunity to be with them one last time, and I wanted our time together to be sweet. I smiled, laughed, and hugged more than ever before. During class we sang a million of our silly songs, and we played most of their favorite games.

Near the end of class, the children began to ask me questions about home. They wanted to know what my life was like, if I had a boyfriend, and if my mom would be happy to see me. Then the students went around the classroom one by one and told me how thankful they were for me coming to teach them. These moments were the absolute hardest of the day for me. I’ve never had a child look me in the eyes and say, “Thank you for loving me and making me feel important for the first time in my life.” I will never be able to erase those words from my mind. I felt a piece of my heart break as he spoke them. All I could think was how much I really do love him, but this love I have is not just mine. It comes from our Heavenly Father Who loves him greatly.

I’ve prayed daily for God to give me an unconditional love for these children, and this week has shown that those prayers are being answered. I know that it is not possible for me to share a love such as this without God, Who is Love, pouring His heart into me daily. I am so thankful for this. I am thankful for all of the sweet words and memories made through this day and my time here.

The kids all surprised me with handwritten cards and some even gave me bracelets and photographs. One little boy gave me his favorite drawing, one that I had admired the very first day of class. That meant so much to me. I will cherish these gifts for a lifetime. Before I left I made sure to thank them for being such wonderful students. I told them how proud I was of their improvements in English and how they have the potential to do great things. I encouraged them to keep studying, to love one another, and to always know that they are greatly loved.

As I walked out of the classroom, down the stairs, and across the yard, all I could do was silently praise God for His goodness and sweetness in bringing me to this place. My cup runneth over.

My prayer over the weeks leading up to my departure has been for God to give me peace – a peace that truly does surpass all understanding. The thought of leaving these children behind without each of them experiencing the Lord is a very difficult thing for me to accept. As I look to the Word and spend time in prayer, the Lord has confirmed that I need not worry. I have faith that He has these children in His hands, and I must continue to trust Him with this, even if sometimes I just do not want to. I want them to experience the joy I have found in Him, the fullness of His grace, and most importantly the indescribable love He feels for each of them.

Please continue to pray for their precious hearts. May they grow up and become confident men and women who love Jesus.