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41 people accept Christ in Haiti


Jose Banales recently traveled to Cap Haitian, Haiti with a short-term team to share the gospel. The team used the EvangeCube to share the gospel with people they met on the streets.

“As we walked the dirt roads in different groups throughout the neighborhoods, we stopped any time that we saw a person or family who was ready to listen. We shared the EvangeCube with them and introduced them to members of a local church where they could visit.

“Of the 125+ people that we visited, 41 accepted the Lord. We also distributed 77 radios that will continue to give life-changing messages in Creole.

“The team and our Haitian co-workers were blessed to be a part of this evangelistic outreach. We are grateful to God for using us for His kingdom.” 

The Banaleses ministered in Mexico City for eight years through The Mission Society and One Mission Society. They are now based in Tulsa, but travel abroad regularly to continue working with evangelism and church planting teams.