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Stories & Updates

Greater Passion – Steve Moore
Steve is the president of Missio Nexus, an organization committed to advancing the effectiveness of the Great Commission community in North America in global...
Greater Intimacy – Bob Tuttle
Bob is a former pastor and professor, most recently at Asbury Theological Seminary. Though retired now, he still spends much of his time...
Greater Opportunity – Frank Decker
Frank provides strategic direction and oversight to the work of The Mission Society around the world. Not only has he been a long-time staff...
Greater Vision – Becky Stephen
Becky provides leadership and supervision for missionaries, including strategic direction to align their life and work with...
What the West Needs to Know about Working with the Global Church
Mutual learning can happen between churches worldwide, irrespective of geographical locations. Phrases like “from the West to the rest” have been replaced...
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4 Ways to Prepare Missionary Children for What’s Ahead
God has called you and your family to move to another culture to serve as cross-cultural witnesses. How can you best prepare your children for what lies ahead?...
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The Christmas turkey
“I bought a turkey and cooked it for you for Christmas,” the woman told the missionaries. “I was on the way to your house Christmas morning when...
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41 people accept Christ in Haiti
Jose Banales recently traveled to Cap Haitian, Haiti with a short-term team to share the gospel. The team used the EvangeCube to share the gospel...
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In times of plenty and in times without
Graham and I were eating lunch at the local mall when a 12-year-old boy came to our table. With his head down, he quietly said, "I'm hungry...
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How to Survive Coming Home from the Mission Field
Paul’s missionary journeys get a lot of attention—obviously. What missionary wouldn’t want to write a newsletter about the amazing spread...
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