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Fresh move of the Spirit among Nicaraguan churches—through Sunday school


Ronnie and Angi Hopkins have served with The Mission Society in Nicaragua since 2006. They assisted a group of Nicaraguan pastors to establish a training center which is used for spiritual retreats, conferences and training, as well as to receive short-term mission teams. The Hopkinses now work in community development, mostly in remote regions of Nicaragua, helping people in these areas address their needs for healthcare, economic development, and education for their children.

For many years, the Hopkinses have helped organize a Sunday School Conference. This year’s conference was held in Ayapal, at the mouth of the Rio Bocay, so that people from communities along the river could attend. About 100 Sunday school teachers came, representing 40-50 churches. In addition, 100 pastors and 100 youth pastors turned out for a pastors’ and youth pastors’ training, which was offered simultaneously.

Hailing from that region, Janeth Diaz (pictured on the left), started assisting with the Sunday School Conference eight years ago. “We want to bring more children to Christ,” she tells. The passion she feels is spreading. More and more teachers are mentored. New locations are planned.

“For eight years I’ve had the opportunity to attend the Sunday School Conference with teacher Polly,” tells Janeth. “I have learned flannelgraph, puppets, songs, and how to use common objects to teach Bible lessons to children. The idea is to make Sunday school more interesting than just reading out of the Bible.

“This time, I was the teacher, and it was my turn to share all Polly had taught me. The teachers were so excited to learn the lessons we shared. Since the conference, the teachers have been calling me and are so excited. They tell me that they are memorizing the lessons and looking forward to the conference next year.”

Next year, Polly and Ronnie will host an additional Sunday School Conference on the other coast of Nicaragua.