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Stories & Updates

Running an impossible race
Billy and Laurie Drum serve with The Mission Society in the mountains of Peru. Here they recount the story of Kenyi, a disabled boy with which they work...
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Thai woman transformed in Christ
Mission Society missionaries Chris and Dora Barbee recount the story of Boot, a Thai woman who was recently transformed by the love of Christ...
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Atlanta Apprentice Program ends on high note
At The Mission Society, we place a high value on equipping God’s people to be effective ministers of the gospel...
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Year-end Challenge Gift
This month, three families felt the Lord calling them to give a challenge gift totaling $240,000 to advance God’s work around the world...
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MNN interviews Jon Herrin
Mission Network News interviewed Mission Society missionary Jon Herrin earlier today. Herrin and his family have served in Monterrey...
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Miracle of healing
Martin and Tracy Reeves have served with The Mission Society in Trujillo, Peru since 2004. Martin is a graduate of Asbury Theological...
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Chinese Christians trained for cross-cultural service
Recently, one of our missionary couples serving in China stopped by our office. They are part of a network of discipleship groups...
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Stan Self interviewed on MNN
Stan Self was recently interviewed by Mission Network News (MNN) regarding his work with the Church Ministry...
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New article in "Good News" by Frank Decker
Vice president of mission operations, Frank Decker, recently published an article for Good News. "Starting out with...
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"Ask a missionary" book now available
Jim Ramsay, senior director of field ministry, is quoted in the newly published book, Ask a missionary...
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