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Stories & Updates

Update from Cairo
Friends of The Mission Society who reside in Cairo work with an orphanage in the city. On March 2, sectarian violence broke...
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Missionary to Japan interviewed on MNN
Mission Network News (MNN) recently interviewed Neal Hicks, Mission Society missionary to Japan. Neal and his wife, Mari, have ministered in Japan...
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Japan suffers massive earthquake, tsunami
Japan experienced a massive earthquake last Friday, March 11, 2011, that crippled the nation. The fifth most powerful earthquake on record,...
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Give the gift of reading through the Ankaase Literacy Program
Anne Gongwer moved to the village of Ankaase, Ghana, West Africa in 1998. With a heart for education...
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Indian woman encounters Christ
President Dick McClain was ministering in India recently when he met a woman who shared her testimony with him. Avani* had never heard of Jesus...
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Invisible wall of protection
A Mission Society missionary who serves in Central Asia, Tom*, was recently attacked by a Caucasian Shepherd...
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News from Cairo
Friends of The Mission Society who reside in Cairo, Egypt recently sent news of the situation there. The excerpt below was written by...
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Pittsburgh Tribune Review features Sue Kolljeski's work in Ghana
The Pittsburgh Tribune Review recently interviewed Sue Kolljeski, a Mission Society missionary to Lawra, Ghana...
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Frank Decker publishes article in "Good News"
Frank Decker published an article, "The Reverend Handicap" in the January/February issue of Good News magazine...
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Buenting on Mission Network News
Mission Network News' Greg Yoder interviewed Mission Society missionary Debra Buenting. Buenting serves...
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