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Stories & Updates

Lawrenceville Missionaries Return to US with New Roles
The Mission Society has chosen missionaries Ed and Linda Baker to transition from drilling water wells in Nicaragua to leading a global team of cross-cultural...
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Missionary to Work with Ghana AIDS Orphans
The Mission Society has commissioned Sue Kolljeski of New Brighton, Pa., to work with AIDS orphans in the Upper West Region of northwestern Ghana...
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Fayetteville Missionaries Deployed to South Africa
The Mission Society has commissioned Elliott and Katherine Stotler of Fayetteville, Ga., as full-time missionaries to lead strategic ministries...
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Mudslides in Brazil kill as many as 800 people
Torrential rain caused mudslides that took the lives of an estimated 800 people on January 12, 2011. Nearly 14,000 people...
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President McClain's report from South Asia
Dick McClain, president and CEO of The Mission Society, and Frank Decker, vice president of mission operations, recently traveled to a remote region of South Asia...
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Churches mobilizing churches
This past October, McEachern Memorial United Methodist Church in Powder Springs, Georgia hosted their second “Beyond These Walls”...
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Haiti, one year later
For many Americans, the mention of our neighboring nation Haiti brings to mind thoughts of pity, despair, and poverty...
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Jim Ramsay on Mission Network News
Jim Ramsay was interviewed by Mission Network News (MNN) regarding his recent trip to Haiti. The January 3-16 visit...
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First children's library opens in Huancayo, Peru
The McEuens recently opened the first children’s library in Huancayo, a city of 500,000 people. The library is called...
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McEuens featured on Mission Network News
Ash and Audra McEuen were recently featured by Mission Network News (MNN). The McEuens founded the first children's library...
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