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Stories & Updates

Tim & Daina Datwyler interviewed by Mission Network News
Tim and Daina Datwyler have ministered with The Mission Society in Mexico and Ecuador for more than a decade...
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Steve and Suzanne Buchele interviewed regarding their upcoming service in Ghana
The Statesman, a newspaper out of Austin, Texas, recently interviewed newly appointed missionaries Steve and Suzanne Buchele...
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Cross-cultural training in Peru
Discover more about The Mission Society's cross-cultural training, designed to not only help missionaries serve with passion, but with excellence...
In Kenya, a door opens for Jane, and a doorway opens for Joylet
Jeffrey Wallace, the former editor of the Aiken Standard, recently wrote an article for the newspaper about his time in Kenya...
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Triplets in danger: How you can help provide for some of Ghana’s most vulnerable children
Sue Kolljeski is a Mission Society missionary in northern Ghana. She serves in the Lawra Orphan and Vulnerable Child Centre...
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Andrew and Margaret Howell have been part of The Mission Society team to France for the past several years. They previously served in the Democratic Republic...
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The Nicholses interviewed on Mission Network News
Graham and Sharon Nichols serve with The Mission Society in Quito, Eduador. Here, Sharon shares their call to cross-cultural ministry...
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The Breakfast Club
Billy and Laurie Drum minister in Huancayo, Peru as teachers. Both having spent many years as teachers in the States, they have a heart for education...
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Jim Ramsay published in "Good News" magazine
Jim Ramsay, vice president for mission ministries, recently wrote a column for Good News magazine...
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Thirteen new missionaries consecrated
Thirteen missionaries have been consecrated by The Mission Society for service in Europe, Africa...
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