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James and Phoebe* and their three children minister with The Mission Society in a secure region of Asia. In addition to their other ministries, they foster orphans in a nation which has an immense number of children living in orphanages. Several of their ministry colleagues foster children as well.
“As a group, we asked for the children with the most severe special needs,” said James. “Ava*, one of the babies our friends foster, is a three-month old girl who has Downs Syndrome. We took her to the doctor and they found a host of medical issues.”
James, Phoebe and the other cross-cultural witnesses in their area began praying for Ava. “We returned to the doctor a few weeks later and many of her medical issues were completely resolved!” reports James.
“However, the doctors found a hole in Ava’s heart that would require surgery. She also had a problem with her lungs and her blood oxygen level was extremely low. A healthy person has a level of 95-100, and Ava’s level was 35. The doctors sent the information to the Mayo Clinic, which stated that Ava’s blood oxygen level was so low she would most likely not survive the heart surgery.
“We all spent a lot of time praying for Ava and asking the Lord to heal these bigger things like He had healed the smaller things before. One month after her doctor appointment, a cardiologist from California came to our city and took time to see Ava. He performed an EKG and other tests on her heart and could find nothing wrong! The hole in her heart had completely disappeared! He then checked Ava’s oxygen level. He tested her and the reading came up 81. That was much better than before, but still low. Then it moved to 82, then 83, 84, 85...all the way to 95 and then stopped. The doctor said he had never seen that happen before. Jesus was healing Ava as they were doing the test!
“So, little Ava, who came to us with all of these problems has been healed from all but her Downs. We are asking God to change chromosomes and heal her of that too!
“The Lord loves to heal, and He loves to bring His Kingdom!”
*Pseudonyms used for security purposes.