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Stories & Updates

Sonia Crawley interviewed on Mission Network News
Sonia Crawley co-leads The Park Ministries-Kenya in Nairobi and Isiolo. In partnership with local Kenyans, she seeks...
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Mission Society missionary battles cancer
Tim and Jennifer Goshorn and their three children were approved to serve with The Mission Society in Peru...
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Stan Self published in "Good News" magazine
Stan Self, The Mission Society's senior director of Church Ministry, recently published an article in Good News...
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The unwanted seat
Monica* is a cross-cultural witness with The Mission Society in Central Asia. In this story she shares a brief encounter she had with a man...
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Give thanks for the little ones
In a remote community in Peru, children are teaching the parents
Billy and Laurie Drum minister in Patarcocha, Peru as teachers. Both having spent many years as...
Faith and persecution in West Africa
Henry and Carol Russell* work jointly with The Mission Society and a partnering organization in a predominantly Muslim country in West Africa...
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The Mission Society holds Orientation Training in Peru for new missionaries
The Mission Society conducted Orientation Training for a new group of missionaries and guests July 1-20, 2012 in Huancayo, Peru...
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'I don’t feel like an orphan anymore’
Michael and Lolla Agwanda coordinate the ministries of Life for Children Ministry (LCM), which Michael founded. LCM is a ministry with a passion and a heart for...
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Physical healing leads to spiritual healing
Arthur and Mary Alice Ivey serve with The Mission Society team in Huancayo, Peru. Arthur ministers through church planting, evangelism and discipleship...
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Foster child healed
James and Phoebe* and their three children minister with The Mission Society in a secure region of Asia. In addition to their other ministries...
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