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Stories & Updates

Meet our founder
Mission Society founder H.T. Maclin has an amazing story. From his salvation during World War II to his years as a missionary in Africa...
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Director of Field Ministry named
The Mission Society is pleased to announce the addition of Becky Stephen to our staff. Becky will serve as the director of field ministry starting...
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Mission Network News interviews Arthur Ivey
Arthur and Mary Alice Ivey have lived and served in Peru for more than 10 years. Arthur ministers in church planting, evangelism...
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The potato miracle
Laurie shares a story of a woman in their village and the transformation that occurred in her family...
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The little drummer boy
Christian Dickson has served as a missionary in Paraguay since 2003. Here Christian recounts the relationship he has had with one...
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Ecuadorian church leaders equipped to take the gospel beyond their borders
The Mission Society hosted two International Mobilization Conferences in Ecuador October 15-25, 2012...
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Blankets of love
Winter brings severely cold weather to the people of northern India. Many families have only one blanket to share among all of their children...
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Saul of Mexico has his Damascus road experience!
Steve and Heather Wilson and their three sons lived and ministered in Monterrey, Mexico. They worked in an urban poor church...
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Mission training institute named to honor The Mission Society’s founding ‘first couple’
In honor of The Mission Society’s founding president and wife, the Rev. Dr. H.T. and Alice Maclin, The Mission Society announced the...
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Mission team brings sight to the blind
Mission Society missionary Michael Seward is an ophthalmologist in Papua New Guinea and works with CBM, a Christian development...
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