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Stories & Updates

My summer in Kenya
A testimony from a Mission Society intern
“I felt like God was calling me to international missions since my senior year of high school,...
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New manager of member care named
The Mission Society is pleased to announce that Ari Morsella has been named the new manager of member care. Ari directs...
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Denny Heiberg on Mission Network News
Denny and Cindy have been serving in pastoral ministry for the past 22 years within the United Methodist Church in Kentucky and Florida...
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New identity
David and Angela* live and minister in a part of Asia which has a high concentration of Buddhists. This couple teaches...
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Abandoned no more
Judy* is a Mission Society missionary and a nurse who serves in northern India. The hospital in which she works provides medical care for more than 11 million...
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Jennie Clements on Mission Network News
Jennie Clements, a Mission Society missionary to Mexico, was interviewed by Mission Network News (MNN)...
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Frank Decker: Deep roots. Quality fruit.
As vice president for member care and development, Frank Decker provides strategic direction and oversight to the work of The Mission...
Sowing seeds of love
Elliott and Katherine Stotler serve with The Mission Society in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. In one of the more impoverished areas of the country...
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The Mission Society gathers in Europe for visioning meetings
The Mission Society missionaries and staff recently gathered together in southern Europe February 6-10, 2013. ..
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The Mission Society celebrates 25 years of ministry in Paraguay
The Mission Society recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of our ministry in Paraguay with a special event in Asuncion...
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