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Stories & Updates

Encountering the Truth in Oxford
Johnny and Amy Winkle recently served for one year in Oxford, England. Amy earned a degree in Hebrew and Jewish studies at Oxford University while Johnny served...
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Just enough rice
The people in the community of Mira Luz are impoverished and struggling just to have enough food to survive. The Hopkins and I hope...
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13 Thai students accept Christ
We are praising God for His blessing on our Bible study camp this year! Each fall we take a group of students from Roi Et to Bangkok...
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Signs of hope in South Sudan
South Sudan has been an independent nation for just over two years, and her freedom was only accomplished after decades of civil war...
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An abandoned baby
It all happened so quickly. It still seems like it was a dream...
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To Cairo with love
Ed Bell, a Mission Society board member, tells the story of his experience discussing Jesus with Muslims in Egypt. Bell, an attorney...
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Indian Hindu comes to faith in Jesus
Winter brings severely cold weather to the people of northern India. Many families have only one blanket to share among all of their children and...
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Kenyan ministers reignited with new training from The Mission Society
The Mission Society co-sponsored Kenya to the Nations Cross-Cultural Mission Training conference in Nakuru, Kenya October 13-25, 2013...
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Ghanaian village gets clean water for the first time in history
Mission Society missionary Mary Kay Jackson is a civil engineer who serves with Methodist Development Relief Services and Pure Home Water...
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Jim Ramsay on Mission Network News
Jim Ramsay, vice president for mission ministries, recently returned from visiting The Mission Society fields in South Africa,...
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