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Global Gathering brings together more than 150 missionaries


The Mission Society held its first-ever Global Gathering on January 17-23, 2014. More than 150 missionaries from 26 countries returned to the U.S. for this exciting event. They were joined by 32 Mission Society staff, several board members and guests, as well as the president-elect.

Jim Ramsay, The Mission Society’s vice president for mission ministries, said of the event, “For the past several years, we gather our missionaries biannually by region for a time of teaching, refreshment, connecting, and prayer. The Global Gathering is the first time in The Mission Society’s history that we gathered all of our missionaries from around the world into a single place. It seems appropriate that this took place very close to the 30th anniversary of the founding of The Mission Society, as well as a time when we are preparing to say farewell to our current president and 28-year veteran member of the staff, Dick McClain.

“The focus of the Global Gathering was to connect missionaries by ministry focus and passion. Missionaries spent time in these affinity groups, sharing experiences and ideas, and were charged with developing recommendations to the organization at large in these different areas. The conversations begun at the Gathering will then continue across the miles on our communication software platform and in future gatherings.

“The topics addressed included children-at-risk, global health, community development, education, discipleship and church planting, marketplace ministry, and strengthening Jesus movements. We want to learn from each other and from others engaged in similar ministries so that we can serve not only with passion, but also with excellence. There were also times of teaching, encouragement, worship, prayer, and just plain fun together.

“Gatherings like this are a key part of our commitment to helping missionaries not just go out in ministry, but to thrive in ministry and experience personal growth in their walk with the Lord.”

Training events were conducted before the Gathering to train missionaries in the areas of storying and coaching.

A celebration was held on Saturday to mark the 30th anniversary of The Mission Society’s incorporation, which occurred on January 6, 1984. Dr. Tim Tennett, the president of Asbury Theological Seminary, gave the keynote address at the anniversary celebration. Dr. Tennett also led the Sunday morning worship service.

The Rev. Max Wilkins, president-elect of The Mission Society, addressed the group Sunday night, speaking of his vision for The Mission Society. He said, "Do you want to experience the power of God in your life and ministry? Take the Good News to people to whom it is news and you will see the power of God at work." 

Steve Saint, the son of missionary Nate Saint who was killed by members of the Huaorani Indian tribe in Ecuador, spoke at the event on Tuesday. Steve spent much of his life in Ecuador and ministered among the Huaorani after his father died. Later partially paralyzed in an accident, Steve talked about his life. “When I was in the hospital, I was in so much pain. I said, ‘What am I going to do now? I used to be able to walk the jungles. That was how I derived my sense of significance. Now I can’t even turn the pages of my Bible.’ If you are weak, and allow God to be transforming you as you’re telling others how to be transformed, I think you’ll be okay. We are weak people. If you don’t know you’re weak, you’re missing a screw. You haven’t lived long enough. I think we would be better accepted [as missionaries] if we would go in weakness. I finally got the right way to do missions.”

The Global Gathering was built on the teaching in Colossians on bearing fruit, and President Dick McClain wrapped up the event by returning to Colossians 1: 1-14. What does a life that is “worthy of the Lord” and is “pleasing to Him in every way” look like, he asked.

Moving through the text, McClain offered: (1) bearing fruit in every good work, (2) growing in the knowledge of the Lord, (3) enduring everything with patience, strengthened by the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, and (4) joyfully giving thanks to the Father. 

“Brothers and sisters, this life that we live, this path that we walk, this ministry in which we are engaged is not about us! It’s about Him! Oh, that God would burn that on our hearts.”  

Not all missionaries pictured for security reasons.