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Learning to love in India


Catherine* and Emma* embarked on a Greenlight internship with The Mission Society in India. What they had thought would be a fun adventure turned into a time of learning to truly depend on the Lord. Here Catherine shares what God taught her that summer.

Emma and I arrived in India and checked into a hotel room to recover from jetlag. We spent days trapped in that dark pink room as Emma grew more and more ill.

For the first time in my life, I was hit with depression. Those pink walls seemed to be closing in on me.

I prayed, “Lord, if I’m going to stay in this country and love these people, I need to see You in them. I need to see them the way You see them.”

I looked out the window and I saw the face of Jesus in people’s faces. That’s when my time in India really began.

My internship was really hard, but a seed was planted in me during that time that God has continued to grow.

I have been able to bring the beauty of that country home with me and engage Indians living in the US. From thousands of miles away, I can tell the stories of the people I met – and my story continues, too.

I hope to return to India long term to holistically engage her people through transformational development. I’m not sure what that will look like yet, but my love for India continues to grow and I pray that God will use me in that land to love His people.

*Pseudonyms used for security purposes.