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The graveyard of missions is becoming a vineyard


Judy* is a Mission Society missionary and a nurse who serves in a place in northern India that has been called “the graveyard of missions” because the circumstances for mission work are so difficult. The hospital in which Judy works provides medical care for more than 11 million people. Here, she shares several stories from India and the way Christ is having an impact on people.

Children’s ministry
Two months ago, a small group of volunteers from the hospital’s staff joined a couple of local mission workers to start a Sunday school in a predominantly Hindu area. The group was thrilled that 20 children attended.

Today the numbers have swelled to more than 100 kids! They have enlisted more volunteers and are rejoicing that the sound of children’s voices singing songs about Jesus can often be heard out in the surrounding communities throughout the week.

Chahan’s story
One morning, a team member and I visited a family in our town and prayed with them. This mother’s very young teenage daughter had been raped and impregnated by an older family member. In this culture, the girl would bear the shame alone.

The mother was contemplating a double suicide to avoid the unbearable shame. Hoping for another alternative, the mother remembered that she had a distant family member who worked at a hospital in our town. The relative just happened to be a Christian and, though barely making ends meet herself, took both mother and child into her small home. At the hospital, these two women found more care, concern, and support than they ever dreamed was possible.

Young Chahan* is now waiting out the final weeks of her pregnancy in safety instead of having died at the hand of her mother. She will soon be quietly releasing her newborn child for adoption to a good home, instead of throwing the baby into a drainage ditch like so many young mothers do. But best of all, Chahan and her mom have learned about the love of Jesus and have seen that love demonstrated by many people. It has had a huge impact on their lives.

These are just a couple examples of the exciting things God is doing all around us in northern India. Please continue to pray for the work here!

*Pseudonyms are used for security purposes.