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Stories & Updates

The power of one
How one woman impacted thousands of people in Mexico
Would you teach a class for one person? Lead a Bible study for the only person who came? ...
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The rise of evangelical Protestantism in France
After leaving the church 25 years ago, Elizabeth unexpectedly found her way back.
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‘I know God wants us here’
Staying the course when cross-cultural ministry is difficult
Workers in Spain describe how God called them and, in a ministry they could have never dreamed,...
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Three ways a partnership with TMS Global adds value to your church, Part I
Partnering with TMS Global will enable your congregation to become significantly more involved in missions...
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A hope and a future
TMS Global workers care for two vulnerable children
When a young girl with serious medical problems entered their lives, Tim and Jennifer were unsure...
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A day in the life: Spain
Hang out with Billy and Laurie as they take us through a typical day in Spain.
October Activate Post: Reframing the question
Instead of, “Are you called to missions?” what if we reframed the question as, “How are you called to missions?”
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Ministering to the unseen in Uganda
A new ministry seeks to reach marginalized people with the love of Christ
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The great adventure
Following God to West Africa
A retiring cross-cultural worker reflects on her years in Ghana.
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