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Michele* is a young mother of three children. She lives in poverty, unable to adequately care for her children or herself. In desperate need of food, Michele went to Morrisville United Methodist Church’s food pantry.
Morrisville United Methodist Church is a 175-year-old church in Morrisville, Pennsylvania. The church has a small food pantry that is used to meet people’s emergency food needs and share the love of Christ with those who enter the church doors. The pastor, the Rev. Wendy Bellis, has served at the church for four years.
“Morrisville has had an economic shift in the past decade that has caused a dramatic rise in poverty,” said Bellis. “The congregation has become more engaged in the community in the past several years in order to meet some of the needs with which we can assist.”
Rev. Bellis learned about TMS Global’s Activate Training, a church training program that equips congregations to reach both their neighbors and the world for Jesus. Rev. Bellis attended the training and invited TMS Global to facilitate the workshop at Morrisville UMC.
“The church has always had a strong mission focus throughout its history,” said Bellis. “The Activate Training helped our congregation to be more intentional about sharing the gospel as we feed the hungry and help those in need.”
Morrisville UMC is active in the local schools, which are under resourced due to the economic decline in the area. The congregation also has ministries that include tutoring adult immigrants and refugees, providing a hot meal for a local homeless ministry, and partnering with local organizations.
Outside of Morrisville, the church sends short-term mission teams and supports cross-cultural workers. The congregation has also helped to build hospitals, schools, and orphanages in several countries.
Rev. Bellis met Michele at the food pantry and invited her to attend Sunday school and worship at the church. Michele brought her children and nieces to Sunday school and worship services. She began to attend the after-school program and other events at Morrisville UMC.
One Sunday, Rev. Bellis invited the congregation to renew their baptismal vows. Michele came forward to be baptized for the first time.
“Michele has a lot of issues in her life, but she has found some spiritual and emotional support at our church,” said Bellis. “This is what God is calling us into.”
Next steps:
*Pseudonym and stock photo used for privacy.