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Stories & Updates

In terrorists’ territory
A Peruvian pastor makes an impact despite overwhelming obstacles.
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Pennsylvania church expands its mission ministries, impacts its community
TMS Global’s church training program equips congregations to reach out to their neighbors and other cultures with the love of Christ.
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Behind bars
A Christian concert in a women’s prison in Peru shares the gospel with incarcerated women desperate for hope.
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January Activate Post: Best practices in preparing for high-impact events at your church
During my years as a local church pastor in Nova Scotia, Canada, I led churches in hosting many types of high-impact events.
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Becoming ‘farang’
A cross-cultural worker who recently arrived in Thailand shares the story of her journey to the other side of the world.
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December Activate Post: What “finishing the task” will require
I was privileged to join hundreds of leaders from around the world at Saddleback Community Church, in California for the Finishing the Task conference.
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Why everything we do matters
As the family laughed and talked, enjoying their meal, they had no idea the impact they were having on their waiter.
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Where terrorists reign
A TMS Global worker in Peru was traveling home from discipling new believers when terrorists surrounded his vehicle.
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Coffee and discipleship
Sharing your faith with friends
Discover how a ministry in the Balkans is revealing the hope of Jesus to hurting youth.
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November Activate Post: The Hardest Task
What is the most difficult task for many mission committees?
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