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Stories & Updates

Fearfully and wonderfully made
A young woman in South Asia finds worth despite what others think of her.
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Trusting Jesus with everything
When a Muslim man decided to follow Jesus, he was ostracized by his family and community. Find out how TMS Global workers are ministering to him...
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April Activate Post: You have to get out of the boat
Last month I was in Florida for an event, and the accommodations were located along the beach...
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The first time he attended church
A cross-cultural worker in Thailand shares about planting seeds of faith in a young man from Myanmar.
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Providing refuge
As more than 68 million people are displaced worldwide, the need for basic medical care is a growing concern. Discover how TMS Global workers are responding.
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March Activate Post: Are we in danger of hoarding?
If 76 percent of US Christians are not sharing he Great Commission, are we holding on to something that is supposed to be passed on?
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This creative program enables Guatemalan kids to pursue their dreams
"I want to be a medical doctor. I want to help the sick!" Discover how a TMS Global worker is helping to make dreams a reality for children living in extreme...
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A day in the life: Ethiopia
Follow the Colemans as they take us through a day of language learning, homeschooling, and rearing four young children overseas.
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Russian teen ministers to orphans in Moscow
A young woman who came to faith in English class reaches out to others in her home country.
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