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Stories & Updates

Ella Handiworks
A new business in Peru provides single mothers with job skills and a way out of poverty.
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September Activate Post: The church’s role in developing cross-cultural workers
Here are some tangible steps to take if you know someone who feels called to cross-cultural ministry.
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TMS Global announces a new vice president for advancement
With extensive experience in non-profit fundraising, Andy Ivey is poised to lead TMS Global’s development ministries.
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Migration spurs faith in Jesus among Muslims
Discover how Jesus is using these workers to share the gospel with Muslims who have been displaced from their homes.
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A day in the life: Kenya
Glen, Lisa, and Jax serve with God’s Grace for All Nations, a ministry founded by a Kenyan pastor.
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August Activate Post: On your mark, get set…pause!
Although counter to our cultural ways, pausing can have a positive impact on our life and ministries. Read this article from our church culture team to learn more...
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Wounded healers
As refugees flee their homelands, the need for accessible health care is growing. Find out how these TMS Global workers are equipping South Sudanese to care for...
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How one event activated this Peruvian church for mission
One short-term mission team traveled from Virginia to Peru to minister with TMS Global workers and experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that they never...
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Farm to table
In Malawi, one of the poorest countries of the world, new farming methods are helping subsistence farmers produce more and healthier food for their families.
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Beyond shame
Taught that they have no worth, women and girls in Latin America often experience abuse. Find out how this TMS Global worker is working to show young women...
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