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Stories & Updates

A truly global gathering
The TMS Global Gathering brought together more than 270 workers, staff, and partners for development, renewal, and community.
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Hope for Grace
Grace lost nearly everything when her family fled the war in South Sudan. A TMS Global worker in Uganda is ministering to refugees, helping them process their grief.
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Faithful with little
A church and an evangelism program started by a TMS Global couple more than 30 years ago continues to grow and make disciples.
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January Activate Post: New year, new resolve
What is God calling your church to commit to in this new year?
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Jesus is worth it
How do you respect your parents and wholeheartedly follow Jesus in a Buddhist culture?
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Paying it forward
For Yikii, finishing his nursing degree was a dying dream. Then you sent TMS Global workers who cared for his needs, so he could care for others.
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December Activate Post: 10 ways to bless cross-cultural workers this Christmas
As a congregation, how are you blessing and encouraging your cross-cultural workers this Christmas?
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Letting go of the American Dream
Roberto moved to the US from Ecuador and created a comfortable life for himself. Discover what happened when God asked him to give up his possessions...
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A place at the table
Refugees escaping their homeland find community and acceptance in a new center in Spain.
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Happy Thanksgiving!
This Thanksgiving, all of us at TMS Global want to say, ‘thank you.’