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Stories & Updates

Set free
Charlie lost her sense of self when she was put in prison. Read her story and discover what she learned about finding her identity in Christ.
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November Activate Post: How [not] to make a fresh start in January
Google “how to make a fresh start in January,” and you will see plenty of articles suggesting how to start the new year off right.
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The joy of clean water
TMS Global workers based in the US partner with locals to drill wells and provide clean water in remote communities.
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Getting the green light
TMS Global’s GreenLight program is designed to help participants learn about culture, cross-cultural ministry, and further discern their call. Find out about...
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A long walk to the well
Susan used to walk three-to-six kilometers each day to fetch water for her family. Learn how you and TMS Global workers helped provide clean water for her community.
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‘They are bad kids’
Words can hurt. Find out how a TMS Global worker helped Thai youth begin to believe in themselves after everyone else had given up on them.
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Someone to believe in her
Elena struggles with a learning disability and failed seventh-grade math. Discover what happened when a TMS Global worker who teaches in Ecuador helped Elena...
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October Activate Post: What the early Church can teach our congregations
When a deadly plague broke out in the Roman Empire in 250 AD, Christians were noticed for their unlikely response.
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Better together
A Brazilian pastor teams with TMS Global staff to train and equip new cross-cultural workers for ministry.
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In for the long haul
A child sponsorship agreement turned into a long-term relationship for these TMS Global workers in Ecuador. Find out how one young girl's life was impacted by...
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