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TMS Global has been involved not only mobilizing people in the US, but also working with our brothers and sisters around the globe for many years now. By investing in mobilization hubs on three different continents, I get a front-row seat to see how God is mobilizing people for His mission.
I would love to share a few stories of what I see and hear from our sisters and brothers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Today, people from everywhere are being mobilized to least-reached people. As they go, they offer the bread of life and seek to meet people’s social and spiritual needs.
Stories from the Church in Asia
What often first comes to mind when I think of mission mobilization is captured in Emmanuel’s story. Emmanuel travels to remote villages in India, asking the Lord to show him who the man or woman of peace is in the community. On a recent trip, Emmanuel met a head constable (policeman) who was hungry for the Word of God and wanted to share Jesus with others in obedience to the Great Commission. As the constable shares Jesus with others, new house fellowships are born. These house fellowships are a snapshot of what God is doing to mobilize His people for His mission.
God is also moving in the cities of India through large mission conferences, and the church in India is sending workers to least-reached people. Recently, at a mobilization event in India which drew more than 2,000 young people, a TMS Global partner shared about how to make disciples in the workplace. God is certainly preparing his workers for the harvest in Asia!
Stories from the Church in Africa
As we look to see what God is doing in parts of Africa, again we are amazed at His goodness. In the countryside of Ethiopia, university students are being mobilized through a course called "Kairos: Focused on God’s purposes in every culture." Faithful followers of Christ are mobilizing the next generation for cross-cultural mission among the least reached in North Africa. The scope of the work among 45,000 university students in Ethiopia is astounding.
Despite having more than 91 million Christians, the Open Doors "World Watch List 2019" ranked Nigeria as the 12th most dangerous place to be a Christian. In a recent conversation, I learned how the church in Nigeria is being equipped to love their Muslim neighbors and offer Christ.
Stories from the Church in Latin America
The body of Christ in Latin America is responding to the need of least-reached people. The church is passionate and looking for ways to serve globally. David and Karen are friends of TMS Global who have a call to serve in the Middle East. Karen is a business professional who can work abroad. David is a leading OB/GYN and surgeon in Peru. Both desire to use their gifts to serve among least-reached people.
Also, pastors like Marlon and Joanna are mobilizing their church through their example. They desire to serve cross-culturally and responded with many others in their church at a recent altar call. They want their business in Brazil to support the work of encouraging broken pastors and their families, both in the US and in Brazil.
It has been said, “the mark of a great church is not it’s seating capacity, but it’s sending capacity.” May we discern how God wants to mobilize and send us! God’s global Church is waiting for us to walk alongside them in mission among the least reached!
Steve Wilson serves as the vice president for mobilization for TMS Global.