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Stories & Updates

July Activate Post: Small yeses, big impact
I stared at my computer screen as I tried to process what I had just seen. At first my jaw dropped, and then a huge smile spread across my face.
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Taking Jesus at His Word
Max Wilkins reminds us of the life Jesus came to give
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Life outside the comfort zone
“One moment changed my life completely. It was the moment that moved me from fear to faith.”
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Life of surrender
“I’ve learned that in following Him wherever He leads, I can finally lay down my burdens ... and find the only real and lasting peace.”
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When injustice seems to prevail
A victim of sexual abuse, Janella became pregnant at age 14. Hear her story, and discover the ways TMS Global cross-cultural workers in Peru are responding.
Life among people not like us
“Living life in this place, serving among our Muslim neighbors, has been the most fulfilling and satisfying time of our lives.”
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TMS Global cross-cultural worker joins the board of directors of the Lausanne Movement
Richard Coleman, who currently serves in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, will help direct the Lausanne Movement in its task to connect mission leaders...
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Moving forward in hope
Women in the Balkans come to faith in Jesus
Read how cross-cultural workers introduced Jesus to two young women in the Balkans who live in a...
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June Activate Post: Hospitality habits: Be our guest
Just one day before the royal wedding of Dutch and Duchess of Sussex last month, Oprah Winfrey made an unexpected attire change...
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When missions is more than a program
Read how a steady emphasis on outreach shapes a life.
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