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Stories & Updates

Nail it to the cross
Incarcerated women in Costa Rica find freedom in Christ
Beth Tatum serves with The Mission Society in Costa Rica. One of the ministries with which she is...
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A Believer's Response to the Refugee Crisis
An interview with Jim Ramsay, The Mission Society's vice president for mission ministries...
How a “Lost Boy” from South Sudan found hope through discipleship
When the Rev. Dr. Denny Heiberg, a Mission Society missionary, started discipling men in the church he was pastoring in Florida, he never imagined his investment...
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14 Keys to Effectively Leading Mission Teams
My family has served as missionaries in Costa Rica for the past seven years. We partner with Conexion Ministries and host an average of 12 short-term teams each...
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5 Mission Opportunities in North America
From its very first day, the church of Jesus Christ has been called to witness cross-culturally. Jesus’ final words to the Apostles, according to Luke, were...
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The Mission Society and Asbury Theological Seminary sign Global Partnership
Asbury Theological Seminary inducted The Mission Society into its Global Partner Program at an event on November 10-11, 2015 in Orlando, Florida...
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The child brides of Kenya
Women’s ministry in Isiolo cares for the least reached
Can you imagine how it would feel to sell your 14-year-old daughter in marriage? Read what these...
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Mission Society missionaries reach out to Syrian refugees
Discover how you can help refugees in crisis
Imagine leaving your home with only what you can carry, never to return. For millions of...
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10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Global Church
Jesus commissioned His earliest disciples to “go and make disciples of all the nations…” The goal of this disciple making was to spread the glory of God through...
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Mission Society Regional Gathering takes place in Costa Rica
A time of personal, spiritual, and community formation for missionaries from North, Central, and South America
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