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7 Things to Remember as You Prepare for Your Summer Mission Trip
It wasn’t until after I spent a summer in college as a missionary intern in Mexico that I came to realize the importance of preparation before going on a short...
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The Mission Society Moves to Expand Diversity that Reflects the Kingdom of God
Romal Tune Hired to Create Greater Inclusion throughout Ministry
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Expanding Kenyan Ministry Celebrates 10 Years of Helping Others in Homeland
The Mission Society Honors Ministry that Assists Thousands
Michael Agwanda once heard a saying that guides his mission work: “It is not about what...
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Global Outreach Conferences to Energize Church Missions
Sessions by The Mission Society to be Held April 16, 23, at Fruitland Park, The Villages, Ocala
The Mission Society will hold two free information-packed GO (Global Outreach) Conferences in...
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Meeting my Daju
“I was traveling to Darjeeling once a week to look for a house in the area. My family and I planned to move there, and I had spent many weeks searching for a home...
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Awaken Your Church's Outreach
Find out how you can help your church awaken to its calling into greater mission impact. In this episode, we listen to several pastors describe their church...
Paradigm Shifts in Global Missions Every Christian Should Know
The phrase “paradigm shift” has become rather commonplace, so before applying it to global missions, I want to make sure we are operating from the same...
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6 Contributions the Global Church Has Made to Missions
Jesus said “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Despite many challenges, divisions, lukewarmness...
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The Mission Society signs GC2 Summit Statement
The Mission Society’s president and CEO, the Rev. Max Wilkins, signed the statement, committing The Mission Society to help refugees adjust to life in the US...
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Destroying idols
After Amita accepted Christ, she brought her idols to Anna and asked her to destroy them. The next day, Amita began hearing voices...
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