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Stories & Updates

Mobilization Hubs
Watch this video to discover how you or your church can mobilize the body of Christ in cities around the globe...
Grow Your Church’s Local Evangelism Outreach
Drs. Dean Osuch and Duane Brown give practical advice on how to help your church grow in evangelistic outreach locally.
College student accepts Christ
Richard talks with many students each year about discerning their sense of calling. Sometimes the conversations take unexpected twists...
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5 Women Who Changed the Face of Missions
From the earliest days of Church history, women have played a central role in communicating and furthering the gospel across cultures and nations. From the...
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Blessed to be a blessing
How two familiar stories can shape our response to the global crisis
We know the story of the Titanic well–or we think we do. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic grazed an...
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Miracle healing brings Hindu family to Christ
The miraculous healing of a young boy prompts the spread of the gospel in rural, northern India...
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5 Tips for Loving Muslims During Ramadan, from a Missionary to Muslim People
Ramadan is the Muslim holy month. During this time, Muslims fast for 30 days. This isn’t just any fast. This is complete fasting from dawn to dusk: No food...
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‘Are we making a difference?’
The Stotlers serve in one of the more impoverished areas of South Africa. Here, Elliott wrestles with staying focused on ministry amid uncontrollable circumstanc...
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A story of intervention
How my home church served a refugee family
In December of 1978, the pastor of Corinth Wesleyan Church of Corinth, New York, took a bold...
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God’s heart or our fear
Let Scripture guide our view of refugees
The issue of refugees has been a part of human history across the ages and around the globe....
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