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Meeting my Daju


In the region of India in which we serve, being called “Daju” is a special honor. It means that you will be an advocate for that person. You will care for them and be responsible for them, as a parent or older sibling would.

I was traveling to Darjeeling once a week to look for a house in the area. My family and I planned to move there, and I had spent many weeks searching for a home. One day, weary from traveling and house hunting, I happened upon Joey’s Pub.

A man named Sahil* owned the pub and recognized my frazzled state. He asked what I was doing and how he could help. Sahil had lived in Darjeeling all of his life, although he had traveled to many places around the world in his pursuit of music.

I told him of our family’s dream to open a place for young people to play music in Darjeeling. A place where we could care for them and teach them about life and faith. I also told him about our search for a home. Sahil seemed interested, and I gave him my phone number.

Two days later, I got a call from Sahil. “Advik* Bai,” he said, “When you coming up? I got a place for you.”

“Bai” is the title of little brother. Sahil saw himself as a Daju to me—as my advocate. Although a stranger, Sahil welcomed me into his life as family.

Sahil found us a home and we were able to move to Darjeeling.

Sahil loved music and our vision for the Matthew 5 Project. Sahil, the “Darjeeling Music Legend,” planned to be the first to play on the Matthew 5 Project stage when it opened. Sadly, Sahil Daju died of a stroke in February. Musicians and friends from all over Darjeeling celebrated his life with guitars and songs before walking three miles for the service of his last rites.

Our family will never forget Sahil Daju and all that he did for us. He will always be remembered at Matthew 5 Project.

Matthew 5 Project is a café offering a safe place to work, live, share art, and learn about the one true God Who loves the people of India. In addition to offering exceptionally good coffee, tea, and food, the café will provide a place for artists to display and sell their art, as well as a place for musicians to perform. The goal of the Matthew 5 Project is to establish a hangout for the youth of the community. Matthew 5 seeks to provide a place for youth to be introduced to a God-filled place to do life, and an alternative to the growing drug and bar scene in this area.

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the leadership of Matthew 5 is seeking people who we are actively discipling others, who then can begin discipling their peer group. Through this model of reproduction, Matthew 5 hopes to share Christ’s love with the community and throughout India. The motto of Matthew 5 has become: Seeking leaders through art, music, and life. Equipping them to grow a culturally relevant church throughout India.

*Pseudonyms and stock photo used for security purposes.