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Stories & Updates

Thai academic camp transforms 21 students’ lives
A cross-cultural worker in Thailand describes the impact summer camp had on the students’ lives, and how God transformed him as well.
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What depending on the Holy Spirit looks like on the mission field
Kerry Davidson writes from Liberia about her journey of depending on the Holy Spirit in a new way since moving overseas.
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Church, let’s be the Church!
It’s probably not lack of desire or willingness that keeps the people of God from the mission God has called us to, says President Max Wilkins.
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What Depending on the Holy Spirit Looks Like on the Mission Field (Middle East)
When serving overseas, there are plenty of opportunities for fear to enter cross-cultural workers’ everyday lives...
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Discovering what is unshakable
‘Lucy’s accident has only increased my passion for Bible translation’
A TMS Global couple who lost their daughter last year share what they learned and how the grief...
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June Activate Post: Caring for missionaries
As you think about the missionaries you support, both locally and overseas, how are you caring for them?
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A name and a calling
Can one young girl make a difference in a rural village in Ghana?
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Ministering to South Sudanese refugees in Uganda
When violence broke out in South Sudan, the TMS Global team serving there was forced to flee. Discover how God is working through them in a refugee...
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4 Ways to Celebrate Pentecost Missionally This Year
Yet sometimes overlooked in the celebration is that Pentecost is primarily about the mission of Jesus.
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More than all we ask or imagine
Workers in South Asia led a medical clinic to improve the lives of their employees. During the event, God moved in ways they hadn’t imagined...
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