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Stories & Updates

A day in the life: Thailand
New video from the field! Follow Chris Barbee as he invites us into a typical day of ministry in Thailand.
Musicians-turned-cross-cultural-workers produce new album
Charlie Chastain, who serves in Estonia, and Gustavo Faleiro, who previously served in France, just released “Rue de la Convention”...
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‘It was the best day of my whole life’
Discover how simple acts can make a big difference in the lives of vulnerable children.
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She never knew love
Read the story of a Kenyan woman who was trapped in prostitution and addiction, and how TMS Global workers helped her walk in dignity and freedom.
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3 Missional Points to Remember as Your Kids Go Back to School
I sent my kids back to school this week. “Sending” is such an inherently missional word, isn’t it?...
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Discovering your call
13 students explore cross-cultural ministry through new program
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Why Matthew 25 seems different today
Suddenly, “I see that I am the stranger,” says this veteran missionary in Ghana
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What does the whole world want?
TMS Global workers in Liberia recently launched a new business to provide jobs and disciple vulnerable Liberian youth. Learn about the unique ministry vision...
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Leaving your heart on the field
“No one ever told me how hard it was to leave.” Cross-cultural workers who served in Russia and South Asia for 12 years reflect on their life of service.
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Jesus and glitter
A cross-cultural worker in the Middle East writes about being light in dark places from her hospital bed in the ICU. Hear what she has to say about what Jesus and...
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