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Stories & Updates

Offering healing in Uganda
Read how a workshop led by a TMS Global worker helped a family from South Sudan heal from trauma and abuse.
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A day in the life: Costa Rica
Watch Beth and Bryan Tatum walk through a typical day of ministry in Costa Rica and discover how Jesus is transforming lives through their ministry.
Raised Buddhist, Thai students are seeing the power of Jesus in their lives
Bam was raised as a Buddhist, but came to believe in Jesus after experiencing His love through TMS Global’s cross-cultural witnesses...
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Thankful for you!
Watch this short video to hear from some of your cross-cultural workers, and know that, together with them, you are announcing the love of Jesus around the globe.
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Sending one of our own
TMS Global staffer joins missionary ranks
TMS Global’s former director of mobilization is preparing to serve in Ethiopia. Read about his...
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A new issue of "Unfinished" magazine is online
Issue 66: Fall 2017
Realizing the critical part we play in the call of others.
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The extravagant sower
30 years later, seeds sewn for Jesus reap a harvest
Do you spread seeds of the gospel everywhere you go? Most of us rush through our days, largely...
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Healing prayer leads Muslim to faith in Jesus
Amir struggled with neck pain until a Christian prayed for his healing in Jesus’ name. Discover how this encounter changed his life forever.
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Can God understand me?
John Rentz hears the heartache of people in a remote region who can’t imagine God knows their language.
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