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Stories & Updates

Missionary Betsy Phillips interviewed by Mission Network News
Mission Network News (MNN) recently interviewed Mission Society missionary Betsy Phillips. Betsy and her family ministered in Honduras...
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The Mission Society shares Global Outreach Curriculum with other organizations
The Mission Society, a Christian-based organization that develops diverse programs and ministries, has what some might call...
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Phil Granger discusses the current financial crisis
Phil Granger talked with Mission Network News' Greg Yoder regarding the current financial crisis in the United States...
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Missionary Larry Williams interviewed on MNN
Mission Network News' Greg Yoder interviewed Mission Society missionary Larry Williams regarding his work around the world...
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Mission Network News interviews missionary Margaret Buell
Margaret Buell was interviewed by Mission Network News' Greg Yoder regarding her ministry. Buell served for two years as a videographer...
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Interns and campus ministers trained for service
The Mission Society held training for interns and Wesley Foundation campus ministers from September 23rd – 26th...
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New missionaries approved for service
Six new missionaries were approved for service with The Mission Society at the conclusion of the Missionary Candidate Event...
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Library in Ghana open for students
Anne Gongwer, a former teacher who has served as a missionary in Ghana for nearly 10 years, just celebrated the opening of the first library
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Phil Granger talks about the financial crisis in the U.S.
Mission Network News (MNN) interviewed The Mission Society's president and CEO, Phil Granger, regarding the current financial crisis...
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Former missionary passes away
Former Mission Society missionary Gerald Freeman passed away on September 9, 2008. Gerald and his family served as missionaries to Costa Rica...
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