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Stories & Updates

Jim Beise interviewed by Mission Network News
Mission Network News (MNN) recently interviewed Jim Beise, a Mission Society missionary to France...
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Churches Receive Increased Financial Support for Local and International Missions, Despite Recession
The Mission Society, Based In Atlanta Metro, Successfully Mobilizes Churches for Outreach, Church Planting,...
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Six new missionaries trained for service
The Mission Society hosted six interns and campus missionaries for training in late May. The new missionaries learned about training in discipleship...
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Rev. Dick McClain elected next president of The Mission Society
After several months of a nationwide search, on May 19, 2009 The Mission Society Board of Directors elected the Rev. Dick McClain...
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Missionaries to Peru on Mission Network News
Mission Network News (MNN) recently interviewed Billy and Laurie Drum, who serve in Peru. The Drums are working to integrate...
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Spring issue of Unfinished now online!
The most recent issue of Unfinished is now online! Read about The Mission Society's ministries in the United States...
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Mission Network News on the Kazakhstan field's 15th anniversary
Mission Network News (MNN) recently reported on the anniversary of The Mission Society's Kazakhstan field...
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Staff attends conference on engaging other world religions
Darrell Whiteman, Frank Decker, and Jim Ramsay attended a consultation in March held in Southeast Asia for people who are committed...
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Missionary in Kazakhstan interviewed by MNN
Mission Network News (MNN) recently interviewed one of The Mission Society's missionaries serving in Kazakhstan...
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Mission Network News interviews the Gongwers
Mission Network News (MNN) recently interviewed Cam and Anne Gongwer about their work in Ghana...
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