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Stories & Updates

Global Resource Team celebrates 10th anniversary
The Mission Society’s Global Resource Team (GRT) is celebrated its 10th anniversary with an event at Sand Mountain United Methodist...
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Unfinished, Winter 2010, now online
The most recent issue of Unfinished is now online! Read about The Mission Society's ministries in Asia, including China, India, Japan...
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Day of Prayer
John Wesley once said, “God does nothing except in answer to prayer.” Prayer is an indispensable...
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Agwanda interviewed by MNN
Mission Network News (MNN) recently interviewed The Mission Society's Michael Agwanda regarding his ministry in Kenya...
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Rev. Edgar Nelson, Mission Society founder, passes away at 94
Rev. Edgar Nelson, one of The Mission Society’s founders, passed away at his home in Yuba City, California on January 23, 2010...
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Haiti Relief Fund
The Mission Society grieves for the victims of the earthquake that struck Port-au-Prince, Haiti on January 12...
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Gustavo Faleiro on MNN
Gustavo Faleiro was recently interviewed by Mission Network News regarding his family's plans to minister in Paris...
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Report on Urbana 09 conference
Jim Ramsay, senior director of field ministry for The Mission Society, reports on his experience at Urbana 09...
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Tara Dunn on Mission Network News
Tara Dunn, a Mission Society missionary serving with the Wesley Foundation at the University of Georgia...
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Purchase "World Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit"
World Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit is available for purchase! Information to order your copy is included below...
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