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Stories & Updates

4000 Christian leaders from 200 nations to gather for Lausanne III
In 1966, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, in partnership with America’s Christianity Today magazine, sponsored the World Congress...
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Mission Network News features Mission Society internships
Mission Network News is helping to raise awareness regarding internships The Mission Society offers...
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New missionaries depart for France
Gustavo and Dalila Faleiro, along with their son, Pedro, are moving to France to serve as missionaries...
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Reid Buchanan interviewed on MNN
Missionary Reid Buchanan was recently interviewed by Mission Network News (MNN). Reid served as a missionary in Ghana...
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Former missionary dies
Bill Ury, a Mission Society missionary, passed away on June 22, 2010 in Wilmore, Kentucky. He left behind his wife, Beth...
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Gwinnett Daily Post features article on missionaries
Gwinnett Daily Post recently featured an article on Mission Society missionaries Travis and Lorna Curry...
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MNN interviews Rev. Player regarding The Mission Society's part in helping his church become missional
The Mission Society worked with First United Methodist Church of Altus, Oklahoma to provide a Global Outreach Weekend...
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'World Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit’ wins award
Cited in Prestigious Top 15 by ‘International Bulletin of Missionary Research’
“World Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit,” a collection of 31 essays by Wesleyan scholars, has been...
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We are a ‘friendly church’
A hard examination of this easy quip
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Frank Decker publishes article in "Good News" magazine
Frank Decker, VP of Mission Operations, recently published an article in Good News magazine. In this article,...
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