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Stories & Updates

The Currys impact orphans in Namibia
Travis and Lorna Curry serve at the Children of Zion Village in Namibia. They currently care for 58 children, ages infant to 21-years old...
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"Unfinished" online: Issues of mercy and justice
This issue of Unfinished takes a look at issues of mercy and justice around the world. Hear from our missionaries...
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Natalie: God’s protection for a new MK in Thailand
Chris and Dora Barbee have served in Roi Et, Thailand since January, 2010. They teach English classes, music classes, and disciple Thai youth...
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From a refugee to a citizen
Violence exploded into Ka Yo Paw’s life at the tender age of 10 when her father was murdered by the Burmese army...
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The Mission Society to Lead Global Outreach Weekend
The Mission Society, which sends Christian missionaries to ministry assignments worldwide, will present a Global Outreach Weekend ...
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Global Outreach Weekend Coming to Chula Vista, CA
The Mission Society, which sends Christian missionaries to ministry assignments worldwide, will present a Global Outreach Weekend...
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The Mission Society Announces New Staff Leadership Positions
The Mission Society has made three key personnel changes and created one new ministry division, Dick McClain, president and chief executive officer, announced...
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Ed & Linda Baker interviewed by the Gwinnett Daily Post
The Gwinnett Daily Post recently interviewed Ed and Linda Baker, co-directors of The Mission Society's Global Resource Team...
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MNN interviews Adam Dalenburg regarding his work in Senegal
Adam and Jennifer Dalenburg and their three children serve with The Mission Society in Senegal...
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International Mobilization Conference
The Mission Society conducts International Mobilization Conferences in various locations around the world each year...