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Stories & Updates

The Mission Society approves eight new missionaries for service
The Mission Society recently approved eight new cross-cultural workers for service in various locations around the globe...
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Combining agriculture and missions
Help teach the Guarani of Paraguay agricultural skills
The Agrimissions project account is directly related to Agrimissions projects conducted around...
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A Mission Society intern shares her experience in Asia
Kathryn* served as a Mission Society intern in a secure country in Asia this past summer. She taught English and worked with other team...
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Kipuke Ministries helping abandoned girls in Togo
Eshao and Beatrice Kipuke are Mission Society missionaries serving in Togo. Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo...
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The lady from Baga
Dr. Vince Brawley is an active member of Trinity on the Hill United Methodist Church in Augusta, Georgia. He is also a supporter...
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Water for Wachara
A village in Kenya receives the gift of clean water
Wachara is a village in western Kenya, just south of the equator, not far from the Tanzanian...
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The light of the world
Easter Saturday was a historic day for the village of Fawomanye, located near the coast of Ghana between Winneba and Cape Coast...
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Adopted for life
Tara Dunn, who serves with The University of Georgia’s Wesley Foundation, and her husband are currently in the process of adopting a son from Ethiopia...
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Ravi: Radical love in action
The Mission Society will soon open a field in a largely unreached area of India. One of the cross-cultural workers planning to move to India...
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Alpha Schools provide a safe place for India’s most vulnerable children
The Pereiras and their three children live in Hyderabad, India where they lead with Hope for Today Ministries...
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